Guest Speakers

Kyle Hamilton and Alex Hanson

Kyle Hamilton Bio
Kyle Hamilton is an entrepreneur and a creative outdoor enthusiast, Kyle has lived and worked in Fernie since 2006, and spends most of his winters working with ski industry partners capturing imagery for their marketing.

Alex Hanson Bio:
Alex Hanson is a content creator with a love of snowmobiling, Alex has filmed with many of the biggest names in sledding. As a cofounder of Sucre, Alex hopes to bring his experience in safety and rescue to a larger audience.

Using immersive experiences for hazard identification training

With advances in 360 video capture and virtual reality displays, immersive video allows the user to be transported to hazardous locations and learn to identify the risks associated with these locations from the safety of their living room. Utilizing the principles of Avalanche Canada’s AST 1 course, we are developing a platform to demonstrate the technology’s uses for high risk environments.